I Can’t Stop Thinking About This Tweet


July 16, 2020

Lately, I've felt a frenetic energy to immediately read all the anti-racist books, listen to all the podcasts, and march in all the protests.⁠

For readers who (like me) identify as white, I've kept thinking -- how do we *stay* engaged in ongoing, active allyship?⁠

As Tatiana Mac tweeted earlier this month, “White people: We gotta talk about burn out. You aren’t conditioned to be thinking about race this much because of your privilege. We need you to do all you’re doing today, tomorrow, and until the end of time.”

As we recognize how much has been left out of our education and the public discourse about race in this country, so many of us feel a responsibility to develop an accurate understanding and take action. Motivated and eager though we may be, we have to remember that systemic racism isn't going to be resolved overnight.

We need to both process all of this new information and commit to staying engaged. I wrote this Forbes article in the hopes that it helps us make that commitment.⁠

White Women: 3 Ways To Sustain Anti-Racism
As A Lifelong Commitment

⁠Whether you identify as white or not, I'd love to be in conversation about how this article lands with you. How are you doing? Are you experiencing burnout? What is an ongoing commitment you want to make in your life?

PS I'll also share this note of encouragement from comedian and illustrator, Laura Sanders.

you are the most ignorant you will ever be .jpg
Lelia Gowland